Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Vitamins For Cardiac Health

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Of all the essential nutrients that our bodies need on a regular basis, vitamins are perhaps the most researched and well-known. Ever since we were children, we were told of the importance of taking our vitamins. These nutrients help our body perform hundreds of different functions and without we simply cannot survive.

Vitamins for cardiac health are specific vitamins which contribute to overall heart health and function, while helping prevent heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.
The most important group of vitamins specifically for heart health is the B Vitamin Family. These vitamins serve specific functions that can significantly reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

The B Vitamins, specifically folic acid (Vitamin B9), Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are all responsible for helping the body remove homocysteine from the blood. High levels of homocysteine can cause artery damage. Meat is a good source of B vitamins, which is why vegetarians have an increased risk of dangerous homocysteine levels. It is especially important that they supplement these important vitamins for cardiac health.

Vitamin B3, known more commonly as niacin, may also reduce cholesterol in high concentrations, although further testing is needed to prove this conclusively. As far as other heart vitamins are concerned, Vitamin E and Vitamin C work in conjunction with each other to prevent heart disease and other ailments through their antioxidant abilities.

Apart from vitamins for cardiac health, antioxidants are substances that remove toxic byproducts of chemical reactions in the body. That's why you hear so much about antioxidants - they are responsible for clearing out highly reactive chemicals that circulate in the body, making sure they don't cause cell and tissue damage. It is this damage that is believed to cause heart disease, cancer and premature aging.

Other vitamins for cardiac health include folic acid and other B vitamins reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, according to a detailed analysis of more than three dozen scientific studies.

These nutrients work by quenching homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that attacks blood vessel walls and promotes cardiovascular disease.
Homocysteine (pronounced ho'-mo-sis'-teen) has emerged after 25 years of research as the "new cholesterol," and researchers estimate that it is a major risk factor in 10 to 40 percent of heart attacks and strokes in the United States. Under normal circumstances, this amino acid is a short-lived byproduct of methionine metabolism, but a diet short on B vitamins prevents its breakdown.
The latest study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, analyzed 38 previous studies on homocysteine, folic acid, and cardiovascular diseases. Researcher Shirley A. A. Beresford, PhD, of the University of Washington, confirmed that high blood levels of homocysteine were clearly associated with cardiovascular diseases and that folic acid lowered levels of the amino acid. Other studies have reported that vitamins for cardiac health also include B6, B12, and choline also lower homocysteine levels.

High blood levels of homocysteine, also known as hyperhomocysteinemia, pose a risk of cardiovascular disease independent of other risk factors, such as cholesterol, triglyceride, smoking, and so forth. Beresford estimated that up to 50,000 coronary heart disease deaths could be prevented by increasing folic acid intake-by eating more fruit and vegetables, fortifying foods with the vitamin, or taking supplements.

By smnickel2

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Friday, 26 March 2010

Find The Different Health Vitamins For Liver

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The vital organ - liver

Did you know that vitamins can go a long way in keeping your liver healthy? No doubt that the liver is one of the most vital organs of the body and the largest of all the organs, but then again, keeping it healthy is also very important. After all, the liver performs the crucial function of filtering the blood in the body. Liver is also a vulnerable organ and it can also be hit by any form of life threatening liver disease. So, it is very important to take care of this vital organ within your body and maintain a diet which will keep it perfectly healthy and allow it to function smoothly.

The liver diseases

The vitamins in this regard, come as great boosters of liver functions and liver health. The liver plays a major role in flushing out the toxins from the bloodstream and aids in metabolism of complex food components like fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Fatal diseases like Cirrhosis of liver can spoil your health drastically. It can be caused either by Hepatitis B, C or D. This disease kills the cells of the liver and cause inflammation. If you take proper health vitamins, the good health of liver can be restored.

What are the vitamins?

Vitamins like A, C and E are very useful in keeping your liver in sound health. Disorders of the liver may arise when all or one of these vitamins is missing from your diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is mostly collected in the liver. Though this food component is stored inside this organ, it accounts for the overall well being of the body, like bone development, vision, and cell division amongst others. This health vitamin also ensures a good immune system.


Excessive alcoholism or drinking can damage the liver to a great extent. However if choline is included in the diet, then it can improve the condition of the liver. Choline is a B complex vitamin which is found deficient in the alcohol drinkers and this absence worsens their health deteriorating their liver functions.

Vitamin E

This is a power anti-oxidant vitamin whose absence in the liver can make one more vulnerable to diseases.

By Dave Williams

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Monday, 22 March 2010

Dietary Health Vitamin Supplement: Do you Need One?

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Do you need a dietary health vitamin supplement? Many of us wonder if we are eating a balanced enough diet to get all of our vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. The truth is... even the most balanced diet can be lacking in some very important vitamins. Taking a daily multi-vitamin can be the perfect nutritional supplement for anyone.

Most people believe that eating a balanced diet is the only thing that is important to maintaining good health. Actually, eating a balanced diet and combining that with regular exercise, proper hydration, and the right dosage of multivitamins will be a more accurate way of obtaining optimal health.


It is essential to keep the body moving. Although supplements can be useful for nutritional purposes, only moving your body can burn the calories. Exercising helps to rid your body of the waste products that build up in your muscle and other organ tissues. To aid in proper health, it is recommended that you get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes three times per week.


Drinking enough fluids is another essential part of keeping your body at its optimal health. You can take all the herbal remedies and multivitamin supplement pills you want...but if you are not properly hydrated, they will be extremely ineffective. Most physicians recommend that you drink at least 64 ounces of water on a daily basis. More if you are consuming alcohol or caffeinated beverages.


Eating a well balanced diet is also very important to maintaining proper health. A diet high in sugars or fats will quickly deplete your body of energy. Eating at least 9 fruits and vegetables a day will keep your tummy full of healthy food and leave little room for sweets and other not so healthy food items.


Almost everyone can benefit from taking at least a multi-mineral type of vitamin on a daily basis. Even individuals who monitor their diet closely, exercise regularly, and drink plenty of water can be deficient in one or more vitamins. Taking a multi-vitamin will help to ensure that a wide range of minerals is entering your body at least once per day.

Even healthy eaters tend to have their favorite foods that they eat on a daily basis. Even if these foods are extremely healthy, they can be lacking in certain vitamins. Someone who eats five oranges a day will obviously be getting plenty of vitamin C but may be deficient in different vitamins like: Vitamin D or E.

Although you may not need a multivitamin to feel healthy, you may find that taking it will help boost your energy levels far beyond your current levels. It is important for people of all nutrition levels to consider a multivitamin to help them reach their optimal health. To help increase the effectiveness of the multivitamins, people can also incorporate consistent exercise, a well balanced diet, and drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day.

By Remy Jirek

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Importance of Health Vitamins

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Vitamins are among the micronutrients i.e. the ones required in small amounts. However, they play a very important role in the body. Without them the different organs and systems of our body would not function properly. This would give rise to several disorders. Therefore, it is very important that our body get the required amount of health vitamins.

These different vitamins play different roles in our body. For example, vitamin a is required for keeping our eyes and skin in a good condition. Vitamin B has a role in conversion of glucose in energy, which is so crucial for our body. Like this every vitamin is required one or more specific purposes which cannot be done in their absence.

However, many people face the deficiency of health vitamins. This is because they are present in small amounts in the different food sources. Moreover, most people do not consume ample amount of food sources for health vitamins. The reason for this may be that most favorite recipes do not involve the use such food sources. For example, the better sources of vitamins fruits vegetables, etc. However, people do not quite prefer these foods.

All vitamins are required by any person whatever age he may be. Moreover, all of them are required by both men and women. However, there is some difference, in the amount of vitamins, that these different types of people require. For example, the women health vitamins for the ones who are planning to be pregnant include folic acid and vitamin A. It reduces the chances of birth defects or complications like premature birth, etc. however when they get pregnant they need to increase their over all intake of vitamins and other nutrients to compensate for the ones used by the growing baby. Vitamin E is additionally important to maintain the health the soft skin of women.

Health vitamins are very important for children. They are required for the several processes occurring in the body of the children during growth. Therefore for proper growth of children it is quite crucial that you take care to provide them al the vitamins and nutrients that their body requires. On the other hand, during old age the ability of our body to absorb vitamins from food reduces. So, old people are advised to take additional supplements of vitamins.

Today due to the awareness about role of health vitamins people have started taking care that they get adequate amount of vitamins. The natural health vitamins i.e. the no ones derived from the natural food sources are the ideal sources. This is because these food sources also provide you the other nutrients as well. However, the artificial vitamin sources like supplements are important as well. These supplements are available in different forms. Generally, they are available as tablets. Nevertheless, liquid health vitamins are also popular. These supplements may contain some vitamins for a specific purpose. For example, the supplements containing men's health vitamins or the ones for old people, etc. Alternatively, supplements containing just one of the vitamins are also available.

Though the natural vitamins are better as absorbed in the body more easily, the artificial vitamins have the advantage that we can monitor their amount. As we know the contents of the supplements, we can take care that we do not over consume vitamins, as over consumption of some vitamins can have some side effects on the body.

By James Peterson

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Hello World!!!

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Welcome to Health Vitamins blog.. :)

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