Monday 19 April 2010

Vitamins for Seniors

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• Many essential vitamins cannot be manufactured or stored by the body
• Minerals cannot be manufactured by the body at all
• Multivitamins provide the essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health
• Vitamin-Mineral supplements are a convenient way to fill in the gaps in seniors’ daily nutritional needs

The need for the proper balance of vitamins and minerals has been recognized as essential for all phases of life. Since nearly the beginning of modern medicine, doctors have been recommending that their pregnant patients, young infants and seniors take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. The reasons are simple: there are some essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies do not produce or store, and others that are quickly depleted through normal activity. A poor diet can also deplete the body’s vitamin stores, and fails to provide the nutritional needs required for healthy living.

The world’s seniors population is especially at risk. In 2006, the United States Congress passed The Older American Act Amendments, stating that “While diet is the preferred source of nutrition - evidence suggests that the use of a single daily multivitamin-mineral supplement may be an effective way to address nutritional gaps that exist amongst the elderly population.” Poor eating habits and/or limited access to nutritional foods – especially due to cost – may be contributing factors to the aging population’s need for daily supplementation via a multivitamin.

High-quality multivitamins for seniors can provide the essential nutrients needed for healthy living and daily activity. Fat-soluble vitamins that are stored in the body – such as vitamins A, D, E and K – are replaced as necessary, while water-soluble vitamins – vitamin C and all of the B-vitamins – are added to the body daily, all from one convenient source. And minerals – which our bodies cannot produce at all – are delivered each and every day. One tablet or capsule – one great source for supplementing the needs of seniors.

By: Angelica Vrablic PhD

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